2025 Schedule

Put-in-Bay Cup (OH)  - July 12/13, 2025

Indian Lake Cup (OH) - June 21, 2025 (Coed Only)

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Tournaments Produced By

DC Sports Marketing, LLC

6v6 Adult Soccer Tournaments

6v6Soccer.com brings you the finest recreational 6v6 adult soccer tournaments for co ed soccer, women's & men's teams found throughout Ohio, the Midwest and the Carolinas.  We are home to the legendary Put-in-Bay Cup, the Charleston Cup in South Carolina and the Nashville Cup in Tennessee.  Teams routinely come from all over the country (and Canada) to participate in our tournament series. 

The 6v6Soccer.com Adult Soccer Tournament Series is a leader in providing adult amateur soccer players, of all levels of experience, a chance to compete in a fun tournament atmosphere at some of the most desired locations in the Midwest.

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Adult Soccer Tournaments


Email: admin@6v6Soccer.com


(email admin@6v6Soccer.com for details)