Adult Soccer Tournaments
Detailed Instructions
To keep track of your team after you have completed the steps above, click on the word Dashboard to go to your team's info.
Simple Instructions
Gather your player's email addresses and follow
the prompts after you
Coaches/Captains, do not complete this step until you SIGN UP YOUR TEAM.
Captains, you will need your players' email addresses in order to invite them to your GROUP/TEAM. If you do not have them, you can point them to this page, but they will need your team name.
As a captain you will be asked to enter a GROUP and a TEAM Name when registering. They can be the same if you want.
After that, just follow the prompts.
If you have more then one team:
As the coach registering the team, you will want to use a different email address for each team, or enter all your players on one team. If you use one email for both teams we will break out your list at the tournament, or you can email us who is on which team ahead of time, but all players must sign in through this portal and sign the waiver.
Individual players, you can register through the link below also, but you will need your Team's Name. It is probably easier if you wait for your captain to invite you via email.
Click here to REGISTER NOW:
Step 3: - Instructions to sign Waiver and Release of Liability
The following instructions are to be completed by the Team Coach
in order to get your players to complete the online waiver.
All participating players must complete the online waiver.
There will be a player check in prior to the tournament.