Adult Soccer Tournaments
The Put-In-Bay Cup
When: July 12/13, 2024
Site: McCann Fields
Where: Langram Rd, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456
Cost: $395. Registration is on a limited basis after June 20th. A deposit is required to hold your spot for the Put-in-Bay Cup as we sell out every year. You can still register, but if you choose not to pay another team can take your spot if they pay before you do.
The Put-in-Bay Cup is a highly anticipated island event. This tournament is the keystone to our tournament series, as this is truly the essence of a soccer party. Every year visitors flock to Put-in-Bay Ohio for an island retreat. There has always been great shopping, boating, fishing, restaurants, and a night life second to none. The Put-in-Bay Cup offers a great time on and off the field. Book your rooms early as they fill up fast. Every year we have to turn teams away, so register by the end of February.
For lodging, places of interest and other island information, please visit the Put-in-Bay websites. You also may want
to check out the Park Hotel which is right down town Put-in-Bay. Make sure to mention the tournament, maybe they will give you a discount :)
Soccer Saturday Series: Indian Lake Cup
When: Saturday June 21
Site: TBD
Cost 200.00
This is a coed only tournament being played only on Saturday. You will have a two game guarantee. We are limiting the size of this tournament to 12 teams at this time.
For lodging I would suggest staying at the Indian Lake State Campground. There is also a hotel near the lake